Depending on your status, the length of your studies or your budget, you can choose between renting a room in a university residence and private accommodation (rental from private individuals).

The university residences

The university residence offer rooms whose prices vary in line with the facilities offered and level of comfort. The student usually sleeps in an individual room but shares the kitchen, lounge area, shower and toilets with other students. This type of accommodation (known as a “kot”) allows you to get to know students from all over the world and of all levels of studies.


In Belgium, individual rooms for students (in a university residence or in communal apartments belonging to individuals) are known as « kots ».



Fusce nec venenatis mauris, vel mollis velit. Nulla scelerisque nisi nec erat convallis, id congue tortor feugiat. Morbi non orci eget enim eleifend consequat. Donec sed sapien lectus. Duis odio odio, congue at ex non, vehicula fringilla elit.

Fusce nec venenatis mauris, vel mollis velit. Nulla scelerisque nisi nec erat convallis, id congue tortor feugiat. Morbi non orci eget enim eleifend consequat. Donec sed sapien lectus. Duis odio odio, congue at ex non, vehicula fringilla elit.

Fusce nec venenatis mauris, vel mollis velit. Nulla scelerisque nisi nec erat convallis, id congue tortor feugiat. Morbi non orci eget enim eleifend consequat. Donec sed sapien lectus. Duis odio odio, congue at ex non, vehicula fringilla elit.