The information below was updated at the time of writing. You are advised to check the external website for updated information.
Type of grant
Scholarship / Research grant
Scholarships available for the pursuit of postgraduate programmes (specialised diploma, advanced diploma) or postgraduate programmes.
Sectors and fields of study
The following fields of study are prioritised, but not exclusive:
- Life sciences (genetic engineering, biomedical sciences, neurosciences) ;
- Environmental sciences (prevention and rehabilitation of contaminated or degraded sites)
- New social issues (impact of technological change, employment and training, social security, immigration: integration, multiculturalism).
Programme description
The government of the French Community of Belgium offers the government of Quebec monthly scholarships, per academic year, of 60 monthly scholarships that can be divided at the request of the Quebec party into short term (1 to 3 months), medium term (3 to 6 months in total), or long term (7 to 12 months). These scholarships are intended for specialisation programmes at Master's level (diploma of specialised studies, diploma of advanced studies) or at postgraduate level.
- short term (1 to 3 months)
- medium term (3 to 6 months in total)
- long term (7 to 12 months
Financial terms
Each scholarship covers:
- a monthly amount of € 789.71 (indexed annually in September) for 2nd cycle programmes and € 963.29 (indexed annually in September) for 3rd cycle programmes;
- university registration fees;
- a flat-rate allowance for the purchase of teaching materials or to cover travel expenses of €24.79 per month;
- a one-off payment of €619.73 to cover the cost of printing the thesis. This amount is awarded upon completion of the PhD programme;
- a one-off payment of €185.92 to cover dissertation printing costs. This amount will be awarded upon completion of the Master's programme.
Grant funded by
Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Eligibility criteria
Nationality.ies – Profile
Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, residing in Quebec.
Level of study required
Hold a first cycle university degree.
Additional terms and conditions
- not have started the study visit at the time of submission of the application;
- be a student at the time of the pre-selection of candidates.
Application process
How to apply
Selection process
- The application file must be sent to the Ministry.
- An evaluation committee made up of Ministry professionals assesses the applications according to the following criteria: previous experience, relevance of the study or research project (expected impact on the host and home communities as well as on the applicant's personal experience), motivation (openness to discovering the host culture, interest in learning the host language, if applicable), thoroughness in the presentation of the application.
- The Ministry recommends the selected candidates and forwards their file to the donor country.
- The donor country makes the final selection.
Contact – find out more
Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur Direction des relations extérieures drci@education.gouv.qc.ca