

Type of grant

Study grant

Level of study

Bachelor's, Master's degrees and continuing education programmes

Programme description

The ARES scholarships offer you the opportunity to follow a one-year advanced bachelor’s or master’s degree program or a 2-to-6-month continuing education program within a higher education institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in Belgium. 

Within the framework of the ARES 2022-2027 cooperation program, three types of training are offered through the international training scholarships:

  • Advanced bachelor's and master's degrees are inter-institutional training programmes organised in one academic year and at the end of which an academic degree is awarded.
  • Continuing education programs are more practical and of shorter duration (2 to 6 months). They deliver a certificate.

Informations & contact

ARES website

Contact : Maryvonne Aubry - 

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Its intense cultural life, its excellent health system, its easy access to a wide variety of sports activities and its high-performing public transport network are just some of the advantages that make French-speaking Belgium such a great place in the world to live.