The information below was updated at the time of writing. You are advised to check the external website for updated information.
Type of grant
Research grant
Doctoral, Postdoctoral
Open each year to a maximum of 10 researchers from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, this programme aims to support research stays (from 12 to 24 weeks) carried out in a partner university in Canada. 10 researchers from Canadian universities wishing to come to the Wallonia-Brussels Federation will also benefit from this opportunity. The programme is open to all academic disciplines, without restriction.
Contact – find out more
Anoula KINNEN - a.kinnen@wbi.be / +32 (0)2 421 82 03
Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Services Bourses internationales, coordination Agents de liaison académique et culturelle (ALAC)
Place Sainctelette, 2 - 1080 Bruxelles (BE)