Type of grant
Study grant
Sectors and field of study
These grants are open to graduate students from all fields
Duration : between 6 and 12 months
Financial terms : € 1,800 per month plus registration fees to the ULB and for the International Certificate in Doctoral Research Training
Grant funded by the Philippe Wiener-Maurice Anspach Foundation
Eligibility criteria
The award is available to Oxford or Cambridge graduate students, of all nationalities, interested in conducting DPhil research in any department at the Free University of Brussels
Application process
Oxford students: https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/fees-funding/international/scholarships-exchanges/wiener
Cambridge students: https://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate-funding
More info : http://fwa.ulb.ac.be/en/fellowships-grants-and-funding-postgraduate-research-grants-candidates-from-oxford-and-cambridge-2553/